Thursday, March 18, 2021


 So yes, I'm reviving this blog for purely self-promotional aims, but I am pleased, nay, chuffed to announce that after years of trying I have at last managed get one of my wordings put into print in an actual publication that is actually sold for actual currency by an actual corporation.

Ladies and gentlemen (okay, who am I kidding; The two guys who sometimes read this blog and bots), I present Shrapnel Volume 4, featuring as its crown jewel, its core, its beating heart, a story by none other than yours truly.

That's me in the corner. That's me in the spotlight.

BattleTech is a tabletop wargame about giant robots, heavily inspired by Robotech (Macross to purists) as well as SciFi properties like Dune or The Mote in God's Eye, and has been an on-again off-again hobby of mine since I was old enough to be a complete dweeb. The property has long churned out dozens if not hundreds of novels in support of the game, and is currently publishing a magazine of short stories submitted by the Johnest of Q Publics.

Enter me.

I'd originally submitted a story to BattleCorps, the precursor to Shrapnel, back in 2016, and in a fit of thanks that publication promptly went bankrupt. So this has been a journey five years in the making, or about 35 years in the making if you count from the day I first picked up a copy of the old BattleTech boxed set.

Anyway, the story is called "Inverted", and it's sort of an origin story but for the whole fictional universe, and of course as a Genesis story it's about the original sin and why this universe is so utterly fucked up that you can base a tabletop wargame on it.

Purchase it from the Catalyst Games Lab store and any fine purveyor of fictional wares. Or Amazon.

I hope you enjoy the entertainment product and use your stimulus check money to purchase dozens of copies for your friends and relatives. I have no doubt this will fill the gap that has been missing all their lives. Consume! Consume!

Thank and bless


  1. Dubble_g, congrats you to your first published story. I've been hoping that you and Faith McCarron would get something published, as I consider you two some of the best fanfiction writers on the BT forum. Really hope to see more of you!

    1. Thanks for the note! I'm still writing, so we'll see what happens. In the meantime I'm moving all my old stuff to Archive of Our Own:

    2. Do you have an easy download option for your BT stories? I remember that you did have one on your website here, but I never got around to save myself a copy.

    3. Honestly, I used to, but since interaction with other fans is literally the only rewarding thing about writing fan fiction, I couldn't see much point and ended up deleting the links. The format of Archive of Our Own seems to promote a bit more engagement, so I'm going with that for now.
