Saturday, November 10, 2018

To Sail with the Stranger

Adam agreed to sail with the stranger, to cross the oceans and explore the hidden shore, although they’d only just met. The stranger’s teeth were straight, and they’d read the Iliad, so they seemed the trustworthy sort.

They bought a boat, and sailed out of sight of shore. As days and weeks lengthened to years, the horizon changed from fair green hills to monotonous, breaking waves. The transformation in the stranger took a little longer: Their white teeth grew yellow and crooked, their hair fell out and turned to scales. 

Adam lay awake each night in fear of the beast, wondering if he could still swim back to land or if he would drown, wondering which he would prefer. One night he crept on deck, and made to leap over the side. 

In the waters below Adam saw his reflection: it too was hideous, scaled and snarl-toothed. 

Adam sat back down again, ashamed. Knowing the stranger must have seen his face, had the same fears and made their own midnight journey, but never made the jump. And when the stranger awoke and came on deck there was, if not love, then understanding in their eyes, and they sailed on, to find the hidden shore.

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