Ten Thousand Hands

Theme: Inventory
Collection: Special Weapons
Card: The First Shot

"The first hand is ten thousand hands"

The First Shot is an enigma, seemingly made of ordinary, well-worn parts and components but defying reproduction. Exact copies produced by the Tower's finest gunsmiths either short out the first time the trigger is pulled, or fail to operate entirely. 

Clearly, we are missing some vital detail. Given the weapon's almost certain origin on one of the Jovian moons, we had hoped Xûr might shed some light on this matter, but he has proven cryptic at best. 

The only other clue to its operation and origin is the slogan down the side, 先手は万手, literally "the first hand is 10,000 hands", meaning that it is often advantageous to take the initiative or act before others. 

In short, get in the first shot. 

For some reason, Variks got very excited when he heard about the name of this gun. Maybe the Fallen know more?

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